Low back, Sciatica and Herniated Discs
At Back2Balance we are here to provide effective and holistic solutions.
Low back pain, often resulting from prolonged sitting, poor posture, or injury, can find substantial relief through chiropractic adjustments.
Specific adjustments enhance spinal alignment, reducing the pressure on nerves and muscles, thereby decreasing discomfort, and improving mobility.
Similarly, sciatica, characterized by pain radiating along the sciatic nerve, can also be significantly managed with chiropractic care. By mitigating nerve impingement, chiropractic interventions can lessen the sharp, often debilitating pain associated with sciatica.
Herniated discs, another common back issue, occur when the soft inner portion of a spinal disc protrudes through the tougher exterior.
Chiropractic techniques, such as manual spinal adjustments, Activator, and flexion-distraction technique, can help reposition these discs, relieving pressure on surrounding nerves and easing associated pain.

Dr. Douglas St.Martin utilizes specialized techniques to address these problems and their associated symptoms. These specific, gentle, and non-invasive techniques are intended to decompress and mobilize the affected spinal segments, reducing pressure on the discs and facilitating healing.
Although relief may potentially occur rather soon after beginning a plan of chiropractic care, our methods focus on making gradual and incremental changes to the structure of the spine leading to long term benefits.
Herniated discs and spinal degeneration are semi-permanent conditions and therefore maintenance over the long term is normally recommended to avoid surgical interventions. In some cases, surgery is truly unavoidable, in which we recommend supportive chiropractic adjustments for the best post-surgical recovery.
Some benefits of chiropractic adjustments:
• Improves spinal alignment.
• Reduces inflammation.
• Promotes tissue healing.
• Restores optimal nerve function.
• Less dependence on medication
• Faster recovery time
• Less pain
• Improves mobility